Time does not permit us to respond to each new applicant. At the end of the application there is the opportunity to provide an email address in order to receive a copy of your submitted application. Please keep this email which will serve as verification that your application has been received.

Because we consider factors such as gender, age, & UIC affiliation when making placement decisions, our “wait-list” could more accurately be described as a “wait-pool”. Enrollment is offered as spaces become available. Our largest enrollment period is at the beginning of the Fall semester in August with a few possible spaces in January and May of each year.

Families are welcome to contact the Center periodically by phone or email to inquire about their child’s application. Although it is our policy not to provide detailed information about waiting list placement, we are happy to share general updates to help you determine the likelihood of availability, as well as whether /when to seek alternative child care options to serve your immediate or longer term needs.

When a space becomes available we will invite your family to visit and tour the Center. These visits include the child to be enrolled. If you would like to visit the Center before we have a space available (an adult only visit), we ask that you contact the director to schedule a visit.